874 | Spain

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English ★★/★(1938ca). Spectacular specialized collection of the 150th Anniversary of the United States Constitution that includes land and air mail issues, both the stamp and the block sheets, includes several proofs of various types, including a punch with Rieusset perforation. In the non-overloaded part, the different shades of both the frame and the center stand out, varieties of serration, without vertical serration and without serration (various shades), as for the block leaves, the different color shades stand out, with several block leaves in black gray background color, undented and unnumbered (two in uncut pairs), several first day covers and some signed by Arthur Barger, as well as a complete undented sheet. In the section of the AEREO+5 PTS overloaded issue, numerous serrated and non-toothed type stamps stand out, as well as inverted overloads, carmine-colored overloads, pairs without vertical or horizontal serrations, double overloads, on the front and back (some only on the back). ), all of them with their background color varieties (according to the Edifil catalogue, we highlight such rare varieties as spv, sphi, hz, hzs, hirs, hish, etc.), as well as several first day covers. Includes a total of eighteen block sheets with AEREO+5 PTS surcharge, most with certificate, some without numbering and other varieties, highlighting within this group the very rare sheet with an intense black background in a first-day cover of which only two or a few are known. at most three in a letter (to give us an idea of the rarity of this piece, a renowned dealer currently has it for public sale for 9,500 euros), four sheets with inverted overlay of which one is unnumbered and two have private numbering, Of the undented ones, one of them has dots, another in a first-day cover (extraordinarily rare, the same merchant has it for sale for 5000 euros), another is in a pair with a stamp without surcharge and the set is without numbering, another in used on a fragment with private numbering and philatelic postmark, and also a new one without rubber with a Soro certificate that raises doubts. IT DESERVES A CAREFUL EXAMINATION BECAUSE OF ITS INTEREST AND BECAUSE IT IS SUCH A COMPLETE SET, WITHOUT A DOUBT ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT EVER ASSEMBLED. IT IS ESSENTIAL TO EXAMINE. Ex. CNA.

Description Special format Two Lindner albums and a brown envelope

Peso Formato especial - Weight Special format 6,03kg

Online Stamp Auction Spain and Colonies #116

Tuesday, 23 July 2024 | 15:00

Lot 874

Starting price 30.000€